diff --git a/doc/5.1-to-5.1-mysql.sql b/doc/5.1-to-5.1-mysql.sql new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2256585d --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/5.1-to-5.1-mysql.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +UPDATE `mdiy_tag_sql` SET `tag_id` = 4, `tag_sql` = '<#assign _typeid=\"0\"/>\r\n<#if column?? && column.id?? && column.id?number gt 0>\r\n <#assign _typeid=\"${column.id}\">\r\n <#assign selfid=\"${column.id}\">\r\n\r\n<#if typeid??>\r\n <#assign _typeid=\"${typeid}\">\r\n\r\nselect \r\n @rownum := @rownum + 1 AS typeindex,\r\n id,\r\n id as typeid,\r\n category_title as typetitle,\r\n <#--返回父id集合-->\r\n category_parent_id as pids,\r\n <#--栏目选中的样式-->\r\n IF(<#if selfid?has_content>${selfid}<#else>${_typeid} = id ,\"${class!\'\'}\",\"\") as class,\r\n <#--动态链接-->\r\n <#if isDo?? && isDo>\r\n CONCAT(\"/${modelName}/list.do?typeid=\", id) as typelink,\r\n <#else>\r\n <#--栏目类型为链接-->\r\n IF(\"3\" = category_type,category_diy_url,CONCAT(category_path,\"/index.html\")) as typelink,\r\n \r\n category_keyword as typekeyword,\r\n category_diy_url as typeurl,\r\n category_flag as flag,\r\n category_parent_id as parentid,\r\ncategory_descrip as typedescrip,\r\n ( CASE category_img WHEN \'\' THEN category_img ELSE CONVERT ( JSON_UNQUOTE( JSON_EXTRACT( category_img -> \'$[0]\', \'$.path\' ) ) USING utf8 ) END ) as typelitpic ,\r\n(select count(*) from cms_category c where c.category_id=typeid and c.del=0) as childsize\r\n from (SELECT @rownum := 0) r,cms_category \r\n where \r\n cms_category.del=0 \r\n <#--根据站点编号查询-->\r\n <#if appId?? >\r\n and cms_category.app_id=${appId}\r\n \r\n <#--栏目属性-->\r\n <#if flag?? >\r\n and\r\n ( <#list flag?split(\',\') as item>\r\n <#if item?index gt 0> or\r\n FIND_IN_SET(\'${item}\',category_flag)\r\n )\r\n \r\n\r\n <#if noflag?? >\r\n and\r\n (\r\n <#list noflag?split(\',\') as item>\r\n <#if item?index gt 0> and\r\n FIND_IN_SET(\'${item}\',category_flag)=0\r\n or category_flag is null)\r\n \r\n <#--type默认son-->\r\n<#if !type??||!type?has_content>\r\n<#assign type=\"son\"/>\r\n\r\n<#if type?has_content>\r\n <#--顶级栏目(单个)-->\r\n <#if type==\"top\">\r\n <#if _typeid != \"0\">\r\n and id=(SELECT IF(IF(LEFT ( category_parent_id, LOCATE( \",\", category_parent_id ) - 1 ),LEFT ( category_parent_id, LOCATE( \",\", category_parent_id ) - 1 ),category_parent_id),IF(LEFT ( category_parent_id, LOCATE( \",\", category_parent_id ) - 1 ),LEFT ( category_parent_id, LOCATE( \",\", category_parent_id ) - 1 ),category_parent_id),id)FROM cms_category WHERE id = ${_typeid})\r\n \r\n <#elseif type==\"nav\">\r\n and(category_id=0 or category_id is null)\r\n <#--同级栏目(多个)-->\r\n <#elseif type==\"level\">\r\n and\r\n <#if _typeid?has_content>\r\n category_id=(select category_id from cms_category where id=${_typeid})\r\n <#else>\r\n 1=1\r\n \r\n <#--当前栏目(单个)-->\r\n <#elseif type==\"self\">\r\n and \r\n <#if _typeid?has_content>\r\n id=${_typeid}\r\n <#else>\r\n 1=1\r\n \r\n <#--当前栏目的所属栏目(多个)-->\r\n <#elseif type==\"path\">\r\n and \r\n <#if _typeid?has_content>\r\n id in (<#if column?? && column.categoryParentId??>${column.categoryParentId},${_typeid})\r\n <#else>\r\n 1=1\r\n \r\n <#--子栏目(多个)-->\r\n <#elseif type==\"son\">\r\n and \r\n <#if _typeid?has_content>\r\n category_id=${_typeid}\r\n <#else>\r\n 1=1\r\n \r\n <#--上一级栏目没有则取当前栏目(单个)-->\r\n <#elseif type==\"parent\">\r\n and \r\n <#if _typeid?has_content>\r\n <#if column?? && column.categoryId??>\r\n id=${column.categoryId}\r\n <#else>\r\n id=${_typeid}\r\n \r\n <#else>\r\n 1=1\r\n \r\n <#--子栏目或同级栏目(多个)-->\r\n <#elseif type==\"sonOrLevel\">\r\n and \r\n <#if _typeid?has_content>\r\n category_id= if((SELECT count(*) FROM cms_category\r\n WHERE category_id=${_typeid})>0,${_typeid},(select category_id from cms_category where id=${_typeid}))\r\n <#else>\r\n 1=1\r\n \r\n \r\n<#else> <#--默认顶级栏目-->\r\n and\r\n <#if _typeid?has_content>\r\n id=${_typeid}\r\n <#else>\r\n (category_id=0 or category_id is null)\r\n \r\n\r\n<#--字段排序-->\r\n <#if orderby?? >\r\n ORDER BY \r\n <#if orderby==\"date\"> category_datetime\r\n <#elseif orderby==\"sort\"> category_sort\r\n <#else>cms_content.id\r\n <#else>\r\n ORDER BY id\r\n \r\n <#if order?? >\r\n <#if order==\"desc\"> desc\r\n <#if order==\"asc\"> asc\r\n ', `sort` = 1 WHERE `id` = 6;