SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; ALTER TABLE `cms_category` ADD COLUMN `leaf` bigint(1) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '是否是叶子节点' AFTER `category_pinyin`; ALTER TABLE `cms_category` ADD COLUMN `top_id` bigint(20) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '顶级id' AFTER `leaf`; ALTER TABLE `cms_category` MODIFY COLUMN `id` bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL FIRST ; ALTER TABLE `cms_content` MODIFY COLUMN `id` bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL FIRST ; ALTER TABLE `manager` ADD COLUMN `create_date` datetime NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `manager_admin`; ALTER TABLE `manager` ADD COLUMN `update_date` datetime NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `create_date`; ALTER TABLE `manager` ADD COLUMN `update_by` int(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `update_date`; ALTER TABLE `manager` ADD COLUMN `create_by` int(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `update_by`; ALTER TABLE `manager` ADD COLUMN `del` int(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `create_by`; ALTER TABLE `manager` MODIFY COLUMN `manager_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '管理员id(主键)' FIRST ; ALTER TABLE `mdiy_dict` ADD COLUMN `dict_enable` varchar(11) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '启用状态' AFTER `is_child`; ALTER TABLE `mdiy_model` ADD COLUMN `app_id` int(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '应用编号' AFTER `model_json`; ALTER TABLE `mdiy_model` DROP COLUMN `model_app_id`; ALTER TABLE `mdiy_page` DROP FOREIGN KEY `mdiy_page_ibfk_1`; ALTER TABLE `mdiy_page` ADD COLUMN `app_id` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '应用id' AFTER `page_id`; ALTER TABLE `mdiy_page` DROP COLUMN `page_app_id`; ALTER TABLE `mdiy_page` ADD CONSTRAINT `mdiy_page_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`app_id`) REFERENCES `app` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE RESTRICT; DROP INDEX `index_page_app_id` ON `mdiy_page`; CREATE INDEX `index_page_app_id` ON `mdiy_page`(`app_id`) USING BTREE ; ALTER TABLE `people` DROP FOREIGN KEY `people_ibfk_1`; ALTER TABLE `people` ADD COLUMN `app_id` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '应用编号' AFTER `people_datetime`; ALTER TABLE `people` DROP COLUMN `people_app_id`; ALTER TABLE `people` ADD CONSTRAINT `people_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`app_id`) REFERENCES `app` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION; DROP INDEX `fk_people` ON `people`; CREATE INDEX `fk_people` ON `people`(`app_id`) USING BTREE ; ALTER TABLE `people_address` ADD COLUMN `APP_ID` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '对应的站点id' AFTER `PA_DEFAULT`; ALTER TABLE `people_address` DROP COLUMN `PA_APP_ID`; DROP INDEX `PA_APP_ID` ON `people_address`; CREATE INDEX `PA_APP_ID` ON `people_address`(`APP_ID`) USING BTREE ; ALTER TABLE `system_log` MODIFY COLUMN `id` bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL FIRST ; UPDATE `mdiy_tag_sql` SET `tag_id` = 3, `tag_sql` = '<#assign _typeid=\'\'/>\r\n<#assign _size=\'20\'/>\r\n<#if column?? && && gt 0>\r\n <#assign _typeid=\'${}\'>\r\n\r\n<#if typeid??>\r\n <#assign _typeid=\'${typeid}\'>\r\n\r\n<#if size??>\r\n <#assign _size=\'${size}\'>\r\n\r\n<#if orderby?? >\r\n <#if orderby==\'date\'> \r\n <#assign _orderby=\'content_datetime\'>\r\n <#elseif orderby==\'updatedate\'>\r\n <#assign _orderby=\'content_updatetime\'>\r\n <#elseif orderby==\'hit\'> \r\n <#assign _orderby=\'content_hit\'>\r\n <#elseif orderby==\'sort\'>\r\n <#assign _orderby=\'content_sort\'>\r\n <#else><#assign _orderby=\'\'>\r\n <#else>\r\n <#assign _orderby=\'\'>\r\n \r\nSELECT\r\n AS id,\r\n content_title AS title,\r\n content_title AS fulltitle,\r\n content_author AS author,\r\n content_source AS source,\r\n content_details AS content,\r\n category.category_title AS typename,\r\n AS typeid,\r\n category.category_img AS typelitpic,\r\n <#--列表页动态链接-->\r\n <#if isDo?? && isDo>\r\n CONCAT(\'/${modelName}/\', category.category_id) as typelink,\r\n <#else>\r\n (SELECT \'index.html\') AS typelink,\r\n \r\n content_img AS litpic,\r\n <#--内容页动态链接-->\r\n <#if isDo?? && isDo>\r\n CONCAT(\'/${modelName}/\',,\'&orderby=${_orderby}\',\'&order=${order!\'ASC\'}\',\'&typeid=${typeid}\') as \"link\",\r\n <#else>\r\n\r\n CONCAT(category.category_path,\'/\',,\'.html\') AS \"link\",\r\n \r\n content_datetime AS \"date\",<#if tableName??>${tableName}.*,\r\n content_description AS descrip,\r\n content_hit AS hit,\r\n content_type AS flag,\r\n category_title AS typetitle,\r\n cms_content.content_keyword AS keyword \r\nFROM\r\n cms_content\r\n LEFT JOIN cms_category as category ON cms_content.category_id =\r\n <#--判断是否有自定义模型表-->\r\n <#if tableName??>LEFT JOIN ${tableName} ON ${tableName} \r\nWHERE \r\n content_display=0 \r\n and cms_content.del=0 \r\n <#--根据站点编号查询-->\r\n <#if appId?? >\r\n and cms_content.app_id=${appId}\r\n and>0\r\n \r\n <#--判断是否有搜索分类集合-->\r\n <#if search??>\r\n <#if search.categoryIds??>and FIND_IN_SET(,\'${search.categoryIds}\')\r\n <#--标题-->\r\n <#if search.content_title??> and content_title like CONCAT(\'%\',\'${search.content_title}\',\'%\')\r\n <#--作者-->\r\n <#if search.content_author??> and content_author like CONCAT(\'%\',\'${search.content_author}\',\'%\')\r\n <#--来源-->\r\n <#if search.content_source??> and content_source like CONCAT(\'%\',\'${search.content_source}\',\'%\')\r\n <#--属性-->\r\n <#if search.content_type??> and (\r\n <#list search.content_type?split(\',\') as item>\r\n <#if item?index gt 0> or\r\n FIND_IN_SET(\'${item}\',cms_content.content_type)\r\n )\r\n <#--描述-->\r\n <#if search.content_description??> and content_description like CONCAT(\'%\',\'${search.content_description}\',\'%\')\r\n <#--关键字-->\r\n <#if search.content_keyword??> and content_keyword like CONCAT(\'%\',\'${search.content_keyword}\',\'%\')\r\n <#--内容-->\r\n <#if search.content_details??> and content_details like CONCAT(\'%\',\'${search.content_details}\',\'%\')\r\n \r\n<#--自定义顺序-->\r\n <#if search.content_sort??> and content_sort=${search.content_sort} \r\n<#--时间范围-->\r\n <#if search.content_datetime_start??&&search.content_datetime_end??> and content_datetime between \'${search.content_datetime_start}\' and \'${search.content_datetime_end}\'\r\n <#else><#--查询栏目-->\r\n <#if _typeid?has_content> and (cms_content.category_id=${_typeid} or cms_content.category_id in \r\n (select id FROM cms_category where cms_category.del=0 and FIND_IN_SET(${_typeid},CATEGORY_PARENT_ID))) \r\n \r\n <#--标题-->\r\n <#if content_title??> and content_title like CONCAT(\'%\',\'${content_title}\',\'%\')\r\n <#--作者-->\r\n <#if content_author??> and content_author like CONCAT(\'%\',\'${content_author}\',\'%\')\r\n <#--来源-->\r\n <#if content_source??> and content_source like CONCAT(\'%\',\'${content_source}\',\'%\')\r\n <#--属性-->\r\n <#if content_type??> and content_type like CONCAT(\'%\',\'${content_type}\',\'%\')\r\n <#--描述-->\r\n <#if content_description??> and content_description like CONCAT(\'%\',\'${content_description}\',\'%\')\r\n <#--关键字-->\r\n <#if content_keyword??> and content_keyword like CONCAT(\'%\',\'${content_keyword}\',\'%\')\r\n <#--内容-->\r\n <#if content_details??> and content_details like CONCAT(\'%\',\'${content_details}\',\'%\')\r\n <#--自定义顺序-->\r\n <#if content_sort??> and content_sort=${content_sort}\r\n <#--自定义模型-->\r\n <#if diyModel??> \r\n <#list diyModel as dm>\r\n and ${tableName}.${dm.key} like CONCAT(\'%\',\'${dm.value}\',\'%\') \r\n \r\n \r\n <#--文章属性-->\r\n <#if flag?? >\r\n and(\r\n <#list flag?split(\',\') as item>\r\n <#if item?index gt 0> or\r\n FIND_IN_SET(\'${item}\',cms_content.content_type)\r\n )\r\n \r\n <#if noflag??>\r\n and(\r\n <#list noflag?split(\',\') as item>\r\n <#if item?index gt 0> and\r\n FIND_IN_SET(\'${item}\',cms_content.content_type)=0\r\n or cms_content.content_type is null)\r\n \r\n <#--字段排序-->\r\n <#if orderby?? >\r\n ORDER BY \r\n <#if orderby==\'date\'> content_datetime\r\n <#elseif orderby==\'updatedate\'> content_updatetime\r\n <#elseif orderby==\'hit\'> content_hit\r\n <#elseif orderby==\'sort\'> content_sort\r\n <#else>\r\n <#else>\r\n ORDER BY\r\n \r\n <#if order?? >\r\n <#if order==\'desc\'> desc\r\n <#if order==\'asc\'> asc\r\n \r\n LIMIT \r\n <#--判断是否分页-->\r\n <#if ispaging?? && (pageTag.pageNo)??>${((pageTag.pageNo-1)*_size?eval)?c},${_size?default(20)}\r\n <#else>${_size?default(20)}', `sort` = 1 WHERE `id` = 5; UPDATE `mdiy_tag_sql` SET `tag_id` = 4, `tag_sql` = '<#assign _typeid=\'0\'/>\r\n<#if column?? && && gt 0>\r\n <#assign _typeid=\'${}\'>\r\n <#assign selfid=\'${}\'>\r\n\r\n<#if typeid??>\r\n <#assign _typeid=\'${typeid}\'>\r\n\r\nselect \r\n id,\r\n id as typeid,\r\n category_title as typetitle,\r\n <#--返回父id集合-->\r\n category_parent_id as pids,\r\n <#--动态链接-->\r\n <#if isDo?? && isDo>\r\n CONCAT(\'/${modelName}/\', id) as typelink,\r\n <#else>\r\n <#--栏目类型为链接-->\r\n CONCAT(category_path,\'/index.html\') as typelink,\r\n \r\n category_keyword as typekeyword,\r\n category_diy_url as typeurl,\r\n category_flag as flag,\r\n category_parent_id as parentid,\r\ncategory_descrip as typedescrip,\r\n category_img as typelitpic ,\r\n(select count(*) from cms_category c where c.category_id=id and c.del=0) as childsize\r\n from cms_category \r\n where \r\n cms_category.del=0 \r\n <#--根据站点编号查询-->\r\n <#if appId?? >\r\n and cms_category.app_id=${appId}\r\n \r\n <#--栏目属性-->\r\n <#if flag?? >\r\n and\r\n ( <#list flag?split(\',\') as item>\r\n <#if item?index gt 0> or\r\n FIND_IN_SET(\'${item}\',category_flag)\r\n )\r\n \r\n <#if noflag?? >\r\n and\r\n (\r\n <#list noflag?split(\',\') as item>\r\n <#if item?index gt 0> and\r\n FIND_IN_SET(\'${item}\',category_flag)=0\r\n or category_flag is null)\r\n \r\n <#--type默认son-->\r\n<#if !type??||!type?has_content>\r\n<#assign type=\'son\'/>\r\n\r\n<#if type?has_content>\r\n <#--顶级栏目(单个)-->\r\n <#if type==\'top\'>\r\n <#if _typeid != \'0\'>\r\n and (id = top_id or top_id = 0)\r\n \r\n <#elseif type==\'nav\'>\r\n and(category_id=0 or category_id is null)\r\n <#--同级栏目(多个)-->\r\n <#elseif type==\'level\'>\r\n and\r\n <#if _typeid?has_content>\r\n category_id=(select category_id from cms_category where id=${_typeid})\r\n <#else>\r\n 1=1\r\n \r\n <#--当前栏目(单个)-->\r\n <#elseif type==\'self\'>\r\n and \r\n <#if _typeid?has_content>\r\n id=${_typeid}\r\n <#else>\r\n 1=1\r\n \r\n <#--当前栏目的所属栏目(多个)-->\r\n <#elseif type==\'path\'>\r\n and \r\n <#if _typeid?has_content>\r\n id in (<#if column?? && column.categoryParentId??>${column.categoryParentId},${_typeid})\r\n <#else>\r\n 1=1\r\n \r\n <#--子栏目(多个)-->\r\n <#elseif type==\'son\'>\r\n and \r\n <#if _typeid?has_content>\r\n category_id=${_typeid}\r\n <#else>\r\n 1=1\r\n \r\n <#--上一级栏目没有则取当前栏目(单个)-->\r\n <#elseif type==\'parent\'>\r\n and \r\n <#if _typeid?has_content>\r\n <#if column?? && column.categoryId??>\r\n id=${column.categoryId}\r\n <#else>\r\n id=${_typeid}\r\n \r\n <#else>\r\n 1=1\r\n \r\n \r\n<#else> <#--默认顶级栏目-->\r\n and\r\n <#if _typeid?has_content>\r\n id=${_typeid}\r\n <#else>\r\n (category_id=0 or category_id is null)\r\n \r\n\r\n<#--字段排序-->\r\n <#if orderby?? >\r\n ORDER BY \r\n <#if orderby==\'date\'> category_datetime\r\n <#elseif orderby==\'sort\'> category_sort\r\n <#else>\r\n\r\n \r\n <#if order?? >\r\n <#if order==\'desc\'> desc\r\n <#if order==\'asc\'> asc\r\n ', `sort` = 1 WHERE `id` = 6; UPDATE `mdiy_tag_sql` SET `tag_id` = 5, `tag_sql` = 'select \r\nAPP_NAME as name,\r\napp_logo as logo ,\r\napp_keyword as keyword,\r\napp_description as descrip,\r\napp_copyright as copyright,\r\n<#--动态解析 -->\r\n<#if isDo?? && isDo>\r\nCONCAT(\'${url}\',\'/${html}/\',id) as url,\r\n\'${url}\' as host,\r\n<#--使用地址栏的域名 -->\r\n<#elseif url??>\r\nCONCAT(\'${url}\',\'/${html}/\',id) as url,\r\n\'${url}\' as host,\r\n<#else>\r\nCONCAT(REPLACE(REPLACE(TRIM(substring_index(app_url,\'\\n\',1)), CHAR(10),\'\'), CHAR(13),\'\'),\'/html/\',id,\'/<#if m??>${m}\') as url,\r\nREPLACE(REPLACE(TRIM(substring_index(app_url,\'\\n\',1)), CHAR(10),\'\'), CHAR(13),\'\') as host,\r\n\r\nCONCAT(\'template/\',id,\'/\',<#if m??>CONCAT(app_style,\'/${m}\')<#else>app_style) as \"style\" <#-- 判断是否为手机端 -->\r\nfrom app \r\n <#--根据站点编号查询-->\r\n <#if appId?? >\r\n where id = ${appId}\r\n \r\n limit 1', `sort` = 1 WHERE `id` = 7; UPDATE `mdiy_tag_sql` SET `tag_id` = 7, `tag_sql` = 'SELECT \r\ as id,\r\nleft(content_title,${titlelen?default(40)}) as title,\r\ncontent_title as fulltitle,\r\ncontent_author as author, \r\ncontent_source as source, \r\ncontent_details as content,\r\ncategory_title as typetitle,\r\ as typeid,\r\n cms_category.category_img AS typelitpic,\r\n<#--动态链接-->\r\n<#if isDo?? && isDo>\r\nCONCAT(\'/${modelName}/\', as typelink,\r\n<#else>\r\n(SELECT \'index.html\') as typelink,\r\n\r\ncms_content.content_img AS litpic,\r\n<#--内容页动态链接-->\r\n<#if isDo?? && isDo>\r\nCONCAT(\'/mcms/\', as \"link\",\r\n<#else>\r\ncontent_url AS \"link\",\r\n\r\ncontent_datetime as \"date\",\r\ncontent_description as descrip,\r\nCONCAT(\'\') as hit,\r\ncontent_type as flag,\r\ncategory_title as typetitle,\r\n<#if tableName??>${tableName}.*,\r\ncontent_keyword as keyword\r\nFROM cms_content\r\nLEFT JOIN cms_category ON \r\n<#--如果是栏目列表页没有文章id所以只取栏目id-->\r\n<#if column??&&!id??> \r\n${}\r\n<#else>\r\ = cms_content.category_id\r\n\r\n<#--判断是否有自定义模型表-->\r\n<#if tableName??>left join ${tableName} on ${tableName}\r\nWHERE \r\n cms_content.del=0\r\n<#if id??> and${id}', `sort` = 1 WHERE `id` = 8; UPDATE `mdiy_tag_sql` SET `tag_id` = 8, `tag_sql` = '<#assign select=\"(SELECT \'\')\"/>\r\n<#if orderby?? >\r\n <#if orderby==\"date\"> \r\n <#assign _orderby=\"content_datetime\">\r\n <#elseif orderby==\"updatedate\">\r\n <#assign _orderby=\"content_updatetime\">\r\n <#elseif orderby==\"hit\"> \r\n <#assign _orderby=\"content_hit\">\r\n <#elseif orderby==\"sort\">\r\n <#assign _orderby=\"content_sort\">\r\n <#else><#assign _orderby=\"\">\r\n <#else>\r\n <#assign _orderby=\"\">\r\n \r\n<#if pageTag.preId??>\r\nSELECT \r\ as id,\r\nleft(content_title,${titlelen?default(40)}) as title,\r\ncontent_title as fulltitle,\r\ncontent_author as author, \r\ncontent_source as source, \r\ncontent_details as content,\r\ncategory.category_title as typename,\r\ncategory.category_id as typeid,\r\n(SELECT \'index.html\') as typelink,\r\ncontent_img as litpic,\r\n<#--内容页动态链接-->\r\n <#if isDo?? && isDo>\r\n CONCAT(\'/${modelName}/\',,\'&orderby=${_orderby}\',\'&order=${order!\'ASC\'}\',\'&typeid=${typeid}\') as \"link\",\r\n <#else>\r\n CONCAT(category_path,\'/\',,\'.html\') AS \"link\",\r\n \r\ncontent_datetime as \"date\",\r\ncontent_description as descrip,\r\ncontent_hit as hit,\r\ncontent_type as flag,\r\ncontent_keyword as keyword \r\nFROM cms_content \r\nLEFT JOIN cms_category as category ON \r\nWHERE${pageTag.preId}\r\n<#else>\r\nSELECT \r\n${select} as id,\r\n${select} as title,\r\n${select} as fulltitle,\r\n${select} as author, \r\n${select} as source, \r\n${select} as content,\r\n${select} as typename,\r\n${select} as typeid,\r\n${select} as typelink,\r\n${select} as litpic,\r\n${select} as \"link\",\r\n${select} as \"date\",\r\n${select} as descrip,\r\n${select} as hit,\r\n${select} as flag,\r\n${select} as keyword FROM cms_content\r\n', `sort` = NULL WHERE `id` = 9; UPDATE `mdiy_tag_sql` SET `tag_id` = 9, `tag_sql` = ' select\r\n <#if !(pageTag.indexUrl??)>\r\n <#--判断是否有栏目对象,用于搜索不传栏目-->\r\n <#if column??>\r\n <#assign path=column.categoryPath/>\r\n <#else>\r\n <#assign path=\"\"/>\r\n \r\n <#--总记录数、总页数-->\r\n (SELECT ${}) as \"total\",\r\n <#--记录总数-->\r\n (SELECT ${pageTag.size}) as \"rcount\",\r\n <#--当前页码-->\r\n (SELECT ${pageTag.pageNo}) as \"cur\",\r\n <#--首页-->\r\n CONCAT(\'${path}\', \'/index.html\') as \"index\",\r\n <#--上一页-->\r\n <#if (pageTag.pageNo?eval-1) gt 1>\r\n CONCAT(\'${path}\',\'/list-${pageTag.pageNo?eval-1}.html\') as \"pre\",\r\n <#else>\r\n CONCAT(\'${path}\',\'/index.html\') as \"pre\",\r\n \r\n <#--下一页-->\r\n <#if>\r\n CONCAT(\'${path}\', \'/index.html\') as \"next\",\r\n CONCAT(\'${path}\', \'/index.html\') as \"last\"\r\n <#else>\r\n <#if pageTag.pageNo?eval gte>\r\n CONCAT(\'${path}\',\'/list-${}.html\') as \"next\",\r\n <#else>\r\n CONCAT(\'${path}\',\'/list-${pageTag.pageNo?eval+1}.html\') as \"next\",\r\n \r\n <#--最后一页-->\r\n CONCAT(\'${path}\',\'/list-${}.html\') as \"last\"\r\n \r\n<#else><#--判断是否是搜索页面-->\r\n \'${pageTag.indexUrl}\' as \"index\",\'${pageTag.lastUrl}\' as \"last\",\'${pageTag.preUrl}\' as \"pre\",\'${pageTag.nextUrl}\' as \"next\",\'${}\' as \"total\",\'${pageTag.size}\' as \"rcount\",\'${pageTag.pageNo}\' as \"cur\"\r\n', `sort` = NULL WHERE `id` = 10; UPDATE `mdiy_tag_sql` SET `tag_id` = 10, `tag_sql` = '<#assign select=\"(SELECT \'\')\"/>\r\n<#if orderby?? >\r\n <#if orderby==\"date\"> \r\n <#assign _orderby=\"content_datetime\">\r\n <#elseif orderby==\"updatedate\">\r\n <#assign _orderby=\"content_updatetime\">\r\n <#elseif orderby==\"hit\"> \r\n <#assign _orderby=\"content_hit\">\r\n <#elseif orderby==\"sort\">\r\n <#assign _orderby=\"content_sort\">\r\n <#else><#assign _orderby=\"\">\r\n <#else>\r\n <#assign _orderby=\"\">\r\n \r\n<#if pageTag.nextId??>\r\nSELECT \r\ as id,\r\nleft(content_title,${titlelen?default(40)}) as title,\r\ncontent_title as fulltitle,\r\ncontent_author as author, \r\ncontent_source as source, \r\ncontent_details as content,\r\ncategory.category_title as typename,\r\ncategory.category_id as typeid,\r\n(SELECT \'index.html\') as typelink,\r\ncontent_img as litpic,\r\n<#--内容页动态链接-->\r\n <#if isDo?? && isDo>\r\n CONCAT(\'/${modelName}/\',,\'&orderby=${_orderby}\',\'&order=${order!\'ASC\'}\',\'&typeid=${typeid}\') as \"link\",\r\n <#else>\r\n CONCAT(category_path,\'/\',,\'.html\') AS \"link\",\r\n \r\ncontent_datetime as \"date\",\r\ncontent_description as descrip,\r\ncontent_hit as hit,\r\ncontent_type as flag,\r\ncontent_keyword as keyword \r\nFROM cms_content \r\nLEFT JOIN cms_category as category ON \r\nWHERE${pageTag.nextId}\r\n<#else>\r\nSELECT \r\n${select} as id,\r\n${select} as title,\r\n${select} as fulltitle,\r\n${select} as author, \r\n${select} as source, \r\n${select} as content,\r\n${select} as typename,\r\n${select} as typeid,\r\n${select} as typelink,\r\n${select} as litpic,\r\n${select} as \"link\",\r\n${select} as \"date\",\r\n${select} as descrip,\r\n${select} as hit,\r\n${select} as flag,\r\n${select} as keyword FROM cms_content\r\n', `sort` = NULL WHERE `id` = 11; SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1; ALTER TABLE `mdiy_dict` MODIFY COLUMN `dict_remarks` varchar(1000) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '备注信息' AFTER `dict_parent_id`; ALTER TABLE `cms_content` CHANGE COLUMN `content_category_id` `category_id` bigint(20) UNSIGNED NULL COMMENT '所属栏目' AFTER `id`; ALTER TABLE `cms_content` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_category_id` FOREIGN KEY (`category_id`) REFERENCES `cms_category` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION; ALTER TABLE `cms_content` DROP COLUMN `app_id`; ALTER TABLE `cms_category` MODIFY COLUMN `category_id` bigint(20) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '所属栏目' AFTER `id`; ALTER TABLE `cms_category` DROP COLUMN `category_manager_id`; ALTER TABLE `cms_category` DROP COLUMN `app_id`; ALTER TABLE `cms_category` MODIFY COLUMN `category_id` bigint(20) ZEROFILL NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '所属栏目' AFTER `id`, MODIFY COLUMN `mdiy_model_id` int(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '栏目管理的内容模型id' AFTER `dict_id`; ALTER TABLE `cms_category` MODIFY COLUMN `mdiy_model_id` int(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '栏目管理的内容模型id' AFTER `dict_id`; # 注意这里改了类型,原有空的数据需要set null ALTER TABLE `cms_category` MODIFY COLUMN `category_id` bigint(20) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '所属栏目' AFTER `id`; ALTER TABLE`app` DROP COLUMN `app_mobile_style`, DROP COLUMN `app_mobile_state`, DROP COLUMN `app_login_page`; ALTER TABLE `role` CHANGE COLUMN `role_managerid` `manager_id` int(11) NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '角色管理员编号' AFTER `role_name`; ALTER TABLE `role` CHANGE COLUMN `role_managerid` `manager_id` int(11) NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '角色管理员编号' AFTER `role_name`, DROP INDEX `role_managerid`, ADD INDEX `inx_role_manage_id`(`manager_id`) USING BTREE; ALTER TABLE `role_model` CHANGE COLUMN `rm_modelid` `model_id` int(22) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '模块编号' FIRST, CHANGE COLUMN `rm_roleid` `role_id` int(22) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '角色编号' AFTER `model_id`; ALTER TABLE `role_model` DROP FOREIGN KEY `role_model_ibfk_1`; ALTER TABLE `role_model` DROP FOREIGN KEY `role_model_ibfk_2`; ALTER TABLE `role_model` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_rm_role_id` FOREIGN KEY (`role_id`) REFERENCES `role` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION, ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_rm_model_id` FOREIGN KEY (`model_id`) REFERENCES `model` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION; ALTER TABLE `role_model` RENAME INDEX `rm_modelid` TO `fk_model_id`, RENAME INDEX `fk_role_model_role_1` TO `fk_role_id`, DROP INDEX `index`; ALTER TABLE `model` CHANGE COLUMN `model_modelid` `model_id` int(22) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '模块的父模块id' AFTER `model_code`, CHANGE COLUMN `model_modelmanagerid` `manager_id` int(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '模块关联的关联员id' AFTER `model_icon`; ALTER TABLE `model` DROP FOREIGN KEY `model_ibfk_1`; ALTER TABLE `model` MODIFY COLUMN `IS_CHILD` varchar(300) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '扩展业务标记' AFTER `model_parent_ids`; ALTER TABLE `model` RENAME INDEX `model_modelid` TO `idx_model_id`, DROP INDEX `sys_c009201`, DROP INDEX `model_code`, ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_model_id` FOREIGN KEY (`model_id`) REFERENCES `model` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION; ALTER TABLE `manager` DROP FOREIGN KEY `manager_ibfk_1`; ALTER TABLE `manager` CHANGE COLUMN `manager_roleid` `role_id` int(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '角色编号' AFTER `id`, CHANGE COLUMN `manager_peopleid` `people_id` int(11) NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '用户编号即商家编号' AFTER `role_id`; ALTER TABLE `manager` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_role_id` FOREIGN KEY (`role_id`) REFERENCES `role` (`id`) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE NO ACTION; ALTER TABLE `manager` RENAME INDEX `fk_manager_role_1` TO `fk_manager_role_id`; ALTER TABLE `manager` MODIFY COLUMN `manager_admin` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '管理员标识,超级管理员:super,子管理员:open' AFTER `manager_system_skin_id`; ALTER TABLE `manager` DROP COLUMN `manager_time`, DROP COLUMN `manager_system_skin_id`; ALTER TABLE `cms_history_log` CHANGE COLUMN `hl_people_id` `people_id` int(20) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '用户id' AFTER `content_id`, MODIFY COLUMN `content_id` bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT '文章编号' AFTER `id`; ALTER TABLE `mdiy_dict` RENAME INDEX `dict_value` TO `inx_dict_value`, RENAME INDEX `dict_label` TO `inx_dict_label`; ALTER TABLE `mdiy_dict` DROP COLUMN `dict_parent_id`; ALTER TABLE `mdiy_tag_sql` DROP FOREIGN KEY `mdiy_tag_sql_ibfk_1`; ALTER TABLE `mdiy_tag_sql` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_tag_id` FOREIGN KEY (`tag_id`) REFERENCES `mdiy_tag` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION; ALTER TABLE `mdiy_model` MODIFY COLUMN `model_type` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '自定义模型类型,自定义表单不用该字段' AFTER `model_name`, MODIFY COLUMN `model_field` text CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL COMMENT '模型字段' AFTER `create_by`, MODIFY COLUMN `model_custom_type` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '类型,自定义表单:post,自定义模型:model' AFTER `model_field`; ALTER TABLE `mdiy_tag_sql` RENAME INDEX `fk_mdiy_tag_id` TO `fk_ts_tag_id`; ALTER TABLE `mdiy_page` DROP COLUMN `page_model_id`; ALTER TABLE `people_address` DROP FOREIGN KEY `people_address_ibfk_1`; ALTER TABLE `people_address` CHANGE COLUMN `PA_PEOPLE_ID` `PEOPLE_ID` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '对应用户基础信息拓展表的id' AFTER `id`, ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_pa_people_id` FOREIGN KEY (`PEOPLE_ID`) REFERENCES `people` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE RESTRICT; ALTER TABLE `people_address` RENAME INDEX `PA_PEOPLE_ID` TO `inx_people_id`; ALTER TABLE `people_user` CHANGE COLUMN `pu_people_id` `people_id` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '用户id关联people表的(people_id)' FIRST, DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`people_id`) USING BTREE; ALTER TABLE `people_user` RENAME INDEX `pu_people_id` TO `inx_people_id`; ALTER TABLE `people_user` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_pu_people_id` FOREIGN KEY (`people_id`) REFERENCES `people` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION; ALTER TABLE `people_user` RENAME INDEX `pu_people_id` TO `inx_people_id`; ALTER TABLE `system_log` DROP COLUMN `app_id`;